Semolina Fritters ( Soji k Pakoray )

Semolina Fritters ( Soji k Pakoray )




Semolina (soji)                                         1     cup    

Sugar                                                         3/4  cup 

Egg                                                             1     small

Banana                                                      1     small (optional)

Milk                                                            as  needed

Oil for frying


  • Beat the egg in a mixing bowl. Pour in the semolina. Combine them thoroughly.
  • Mash the banana. Include it in the mixture. If you don't like bananas, you may skip them.
  • Put some sugar. Blend them well together.
  • Gradually add milk to the mix until you get a smooth, thick batter consistency.
  • The batter should not be very thin. it should just coat the back of a spoon.
  • Heat oil in a deep-frying pan over medium heat.
  • Once the oil is hot, drop the batter mixture into the oil with caution, using a spoonful.
  • Fry the fritters until they turn golden brown and crispy. To ensure even cooking, turn them regularly.
  • When finished, use a slotted spoon to take the fritters from the oil and set them on a dish covered with tissue paper to drain any leftover oil.
  •  Serve them hot and enjoy.



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