Honey Chicken Wings

Honey Chicken Wings

Usually prepared by marinating chicken wings in a mixture of honey, garlic, and other seasonings and then baking or frying them until crispy and golden brown, Honey chicken wings are a delicious food.                                                                                                                                                    

 Here's a quick recipe for chicken wings with honey.                                                                                                     



Chicken Wings                                         1    kg   

  1. Green chillies                                       5    small (chopped)
  2. Egg                                                        1    
  3. Ginger Garlic paste                             1     Tbsp
  4. Salt                                                        1.5   tsp or according to your taste
  5. Black pepper                                        2      tsp
  6. Oil for frying


Oil                                                                2      tbsp

Sugar                                                          as per taste

Lemon juice                                               2      tbsp

Honey                                                         2       tbsp

White sesame seeds                               1       tsp

Corn Flour                                                  2      tbsp


Marinate chicken wings with ingredients from 1 to 5.

Deep-fry wings over medium heat.

Put oil, lemon juice, sugar, honey, and white sesame seeds in a pan and fry them.

Add corn flour paste and cook till you get a sauce-like consistency.

Pour sauce over the wings and serve.

You can taste and modify the sweetness and seasoning to suit your tastes.  These chicken wings are ideal for parties, game nights, or other occasions. Enjoy!



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