Chicken with Jalapeno Pepper

Chicken with Jalapeno Pepper

Jalapeño peppers and chicken are both good sources of vitamins and minerals. B vitamins, such as folic acid and vitamin B6, are found in chicken and are essential for metabolism and energy production. Among other nutrients, jalapeño peppers have potassium, vitamin C, and vitamin A.

This dish goes nicely with roasted veggies, rice, or quinoa. Enjoy the tasty chicken with jalapeño peppers!

Here's a quick and tasty jalapeño pepper chicken recipe:

Ingredients for Marination


Breast fillet sliced                                                  1      cup

Corn flour                                                                1      tsp  

Oil                                                                             1 ½  tbsp

Sugar                                                                        1/4   tsp

Salt                                                                           1/4   tsp


Cream                                                                       1/2   cup

White pepper                                                            1/3   tsp

Mustard paste                                                          1/3    tsp

Basil leaves                                                               1/4   tsp

Vinegar                                                                       2      tsp

Chicken Stock                                                           1/2   cup

Hot sauce                                                                   1 ½   tsp

Paprika ground                                                          1/4    tsp

Lemon juice                                                                2     tbsp

Salt                                                                              as   needed

Sugar                                                                           1 ½   tsp

Jalapeno pepper                                                        1 ½  tsp


Potatoes boiled                                                          2/3  cup

Carrot                                                                           1/3 cup

Capsicum                                                                    3    pieces

Salt                                                                               1 ¼  tsp

White pepper                                                               3/4  tsp

Soya sauce                                                                  1     tbsp

Basil leaves                                                                 1/4  tsp

Oil                                                                                  1    tbsp


  1. Add the marinating ingredients to the chicken breast and gently mix.
  2. Cook the chicken by deep-frying it over medium heat.
  3. Put salt, oil, basil leaves, soya sauce, and white pepper in a wok and toss vegetables in it.
  4. In a pan with oil, add the coarsely chopped red chillies and simmer for 10 seconds.
  5. First beat cream and then add chicken stock.
  6. Add the remaining ingredients for gravy and red chillies.
  7. For thickening pour corn flour paste and stir it continuously.
  8. When it gets thick add chicken and cook it for one minute.
  9. Now take a dish, put the vegetables on one side and gravy on the other.





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