Weight Loss

Weight Loss

Losing weight has become essential today when robots are performing physical tasks and machines are assisting people. The foods that people choose to eat have changed. We are gaining weight because we eat fast food and do little exercise. Certain medical disorders, like menopause, hormonal imbalance, insomnia, and depression, can result in weight gain. But the top two reasons are diet and lack of physical activity. Digital screens and online games replaced physical activity and games. More than 25 percent of all adults worldwide approximately 1.4 billion people are not doing enough physical activity.


It has been demonstrated that regular physical activity helps control and prevent conditions like diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and various malignancies. Along with maintaining a healthy body weight and preventing hypertension, it also enhances well-being, mental health, and quality of life.

Why do we gain weight?

One of the biggest reasons for weight gain is overeating. You will probably gain weight if you consume more calories daily than you burn. Extra calories become transformed into fat and stored throughout your body. Your body stores this fat in specialized fat cells called adipose tissue, either by producing new fat cells or by increasing the body's already existing fat cells.

Common cause of weight gain

Inexplicable weight gain is frequently caused by slowed metabolism. As you grow old, the body's metabolism slows down. Consuming the incorrect meals, eating too much, or not exercising enough might result in weight gain.

Visit a doctor

Anyone who is going through rapid weight gain and whose underlying cause is not known should consult a doctor. The doctor will do some medical tests so that they can determine the underlying cause. This will help him propose a treatment. 

Suggestions for weight loss

There are some ways to reduce weight.
  • You can attain a calorie deficit by establishing your daily goal for caloric intake. The key to losing weight is to consume fewer calories than you burn off.

  • There are various apps for calorie--tracking on your smartphones. Before you eat, note how many calories are in your meal. A little notebook can also be used to keep track of your caloric intake. Whatever search engine you use, such as Google, may tell you how many calories are in your food.

  • Eat food in its natural state. Natural foods provide your body with an abundance of vitamins and minerals, high-quality protein, and healthy fats, all of which support brain and heart health, help you lose weight, strengthen your immune system, and give you more energy. Unprocessed foods have greater flavour.

  • Aim to consume protein at each meal. Because a high-protein diet fills you up without supplying too many calories, it helps you maintain your weight. Sources of protein are poultry, lean meats, fish and seafood, eggs and dairy products.

  • Start your day by drinking warm water. It will help to activate metabolism. Body fat is broken down into molecules in warm water. Burning it aids the digestive system.

  • Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water daily. Drink a cup of water before every meal. It can help you keep hydrated and feel more satisfied.

  • Make a diet plan based on your daily calorie intake. Strictly follow this plan.

  • Get rid of sugar-filled beverages. These drinks are high in calories. Reducing the consumption of these beverages will therefore have a significant effect on weight loss.

  • Do regular exercise. There are different types of exercises for every part of your body. You can watch videos on YouTube. If you are a housewife or an office worker and you cannot find time for exercise, walk after every meal for at least 15 minutes. Wake up early in the morning and go to the park for jogging.

  • Make a salad of fresh vegetables like carrots, cucumbers and with fruits. You can add chickpeas too. Eat your meal with salads. Replace your sweet cravings with dates and fruits. Eat almonds and other nuts if you feel hungry between your meals.

  • Eat in portions. Big meals contribute to weight gain.

  • Fast once a week. This will help to maintain your weight and satisfy your hunger cravings.

  • Try intermittent fasting.

  • To lose weight, you must get rid of Alcohol.

  • Green tea without sugar helps you achieve your weight loss target.


You must be persistent if you want to lose weight. It's a lengthy process that calls for sustained lifestyle adjustments. It's a multifaceted path that calls for a balanced diet, consistent exercise, and an excellent way of life. Be consistent and set reasonable goals.

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